February 11, 2021


Conversion Rate Optimization: methods to increase website conversion

Yes, it is possible to increase your online conversion by following some interesting techniques and testing some optimization methods and services. This article will teach you everything you need to know about increasing not only your online conversion but also your net profit.

A dictionary lookup will tell you that a conversion means: "changing one value into another." But how do we explain this definition in online terms?

Simply put, we can say: that online conversion is a tactic you use to turn your potential customers into regular customers.

Does this definition sound complicated to you?

To give you a simple example, let's say that your goal for the website you own is to get visitors to subscribe to your Newsletter, to build a community.

Or maybe you intend to get them to buy something from your page or download an app or any other action that they could take that would benefit your business.

Let's say you already know what you intend to do with your web page, the question that naturally arises is: how do you intend to do it?

How do you convert simple users of your page into customers (temporary or permanent)?

Is there a calculator to measure your online conversion efforts?

And finally, what is Online Conversion Rate Optimization and why is it a really important term to succeed in the online world? – these are just some of the questions to think about when we talk about online conversion.

But don't worry, we've already thought of the potential difficulties you might encounter on this topic. All you have to do next is keep up with us.

Before we dive into this topic, let's perform a simple calculation of the average online conversion rate for your web page. What do you say?

To do this, the first step is to calculate the number of users who did exactly what you wanted them to do on your page:

      • they entered their email for the Newsletter;
      • they purchased a certain product;
      • they downloaded the app you offered them;
      • And so on.

This number of users represents the total conversion on your web page.

After that, what you need to do is to calculate your conversion rate by dividing the total number of conversions, which you got earlier, by the total number of visitors to your website.

Let's say your site has 2,000 vis