September 13, 2022

Alina Hasnaș

SEO Trends 2023

What will SEO be like in 2023? If you came to this article by searching on Google, then don't worry, SEO will not die even in 2023.

I mention this fact because I'm sure that in the search results, you also found a few: "Why is SEO dead?". I want to give you some good news, however, SEO is more alive than ever!

SEO Trends 2023

The more search engine algorithms are refined, the more digital develops, the finer, more sensitive the online content consumption behavior becomes, the more SEO will develop.

The importance of SEO is growing exponentially from year to year. To give you an impression of how important SEO is, find out that currently, one minute on the Internet means 5,700,000 Google searches or 37.1% of the Moldovan population is already shopping or paying bills online. Now that we've convinced you that SEO is the digital marketing path to follow, let's see what awaits us in SEO optimization for 2023: online content will become smoother, and more responsive, and SEO will also develop.

  1. Mobile-friendliness is essential for Google rankings - and of course, let's not forget mobile-first indexing:

You probably already know about mobile-first (i.e. priority indexing of the mobile version of a site by search engines). But the trends tell an even more interesting story: it is estimated that almost 75% of Internet users will access the Internet exclusively via mobile devices by 2025.

2. More and more visual searches

To find information, this type of search uses visual elements and not keywords. Accordingly, the image is inserted into Google Images ( or Google Lens ( Google Lens is a visual recognition technology designed to scan things and provide answers based on what it detects:

  • You can copy and paste text you see in a real book.
  • Also, offer product alternatives when shopping - your products can be shown when customers try something from competitors.
  • Depending on your business and target audience, these newer mediums can give you a low-stakes option to drive traffic, leads, and revenue.

And voice search should be a priority for you, as it is more practical on mobile.

To optimize SEO for voice search as well, you should focus on long-tail keywords to ensure your site is optimized for voice search.

By the way, did you know that Google reports that 27% of the global online population uses voice search on mobile?

Usually, keywords in voice searches start with a question: "what" "how" "who" or "where". For example, someone might type "how to make fried chicken" on a desktop, but on voice search, it would say, "How do I make fried chicken?". Simply put, users talk to their devices, so they query as if they were querying a family member or friend.

2023 SEO trends

3. Use of artificial intelligence (AI)

Both on one side (Google uses the power of AI in its Rankbrain algorithm) and on the other side of the coin (SEO experts use AI-based content creation tools). Here's how you can optimize for this feature:

  • Click-through rate and time users spend on a website will be key factors that RankBrain will use when ranking content. Why? Because user experience will make the difference for the Rankbrain algorithm in 2023.
  • It's good that everything you create on your website is organized and useful so that you captivate and engage readers.
  • This applies to English content: More and more SEO experts are turning to AI content creation tools, and it seems that if things are done right, the content will rank high in search engines.

4. Google AMP or good website speed

Websites can now load faster on mobile devices thanks to AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) which downloads the HTML required for a page before the user requests it. With AMP, users can expect near-instant loading.

Test your site's loading speed here:

5. Personalized marketing is getting closer to SEO than ever before

In March 2021, Google Chrome announced the phasing out of third-party cookies. By the end of 2023, third-party cookies will no longer be accepted on the search engine, but for companies to exploit user data, they must build their primary databases. This SEO trend will help you set up a targeted and personalized internet marketing approach in 2023 to make more money.

6. The internet user's intention is essential

"DWIM" - do what I mean (not what I say) - is the motto that Google seems to follow when displaying organic search results.

User intent is the focus of search results, based on algorithms that try to know what the user wants, not necessarily the exact search strings the user types into the search box.

SEO optimization trends 2023

These are the most important SEO trends for 2023. Following these tips will help you rank high on Google and make your SEO relevant. If you need help with the SEO part, leave us a message at info{@} or call +373 69 809 235.

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