February 7, 2023

Alina Hasnaș

Strategies for creating an attractive SEO content

Taking into account that the content your website has plays a crucial role in its online success, creating valuable content is not one of the easiest tasks you have to accomplish. 

What does good website content mean and are there any rules we have to follow to reach a certain level of being considered specialists in what we are doing? 

In this article, we will try to put into words the answers to these questions. 

creating an Attractive SEO Content

A Short Introduce to Copywriting

Before even thinking about beginning to create content for a webpage, we should do a short research about doing this, isn’t it? 

An informed person is a powerful one – this is the truth that the technological era we are living in, taught us. So, let’s begin with the notion of copywriting. 

By definition, copywriting is the process of creating content, aimed to attract readers or users to come back to your web page. You can say it’s an art, I would say, it’s a science. Why? Because art is more about creativity, science is about knowing to make a useful combination between creativity and some fundamental principles of a certain niche, in our case – the niche we chose to deep into.

But it’s not just about this, a good copywriter should be passionate about his niche, but also - understand people’s needs, preferences, tastes, and wishes. Of course, choosing before this, a specific audience, interested in the topics he wants to approach – is one of the first things a good copywriter should think about.

Talking About SEO Copywriting

Briefly, SEO copywriting is the content we are creating intending to attract search engine traffic. How do we do this? It may seem simple, but it is a complex process, which requires your attention and time. 

Here are some tips about how to do this:

  • Do keyword research before writing or posting something. In other words, write on the topics people are looking for the most, because this means people need those topics. “Meeting” people’s necessities, and coming up with a solution for them through your web page content – this is the point you should analyze before going deep into creating content for your website.
  • Learn when and how to use keywords in your content. It’s called keyword optimization and it’s all about On-Page SEO, a concept you should take into account if you want to succeed. Describing it briefly, On-Page SEO is mostly about meta-tags and keyword density, but also about page titles, internal links, and all the other things you can do ON your web page to reach a higher position in the search engines. 
  • Organize the content of your website in a disciplined and logical way. This will be useful for SEO, but also for the visitors of your page to locate easily the information they need to find. Before even deciding if your content is useful or not for them, the readers will “scan” (subconsciously maybe) the way the information is arranged and the ease they can find what they are looking for. Nobody will stay on a chaotic website, where finding something could take an eternity. Why? Simply because time is precious for everyone. Try to give your users a sensation of easiness and accessibility. How? 
  • Defining a clear information structure for your content. You can do this involving your readers: ask them directly what content should be about to make sense for them, and let them create focus groups, where they can discuss their ideas, goals, difficulties, and other things that can be useful for you to create further content for them. Your reader is the king, never forget about this. 
  • Start arranging your content according to the user’s priorities. What are the essential questions your website visitors are talking about? Find this and start your web content with this, because everybody who is visiting your website starts at the top of the page. Some of them can take a look further if they decide they found something useful for them, but others can stop there, thinking: “No, that’s not for me”, even though, maybe, you have something for them “somewhere there”. Make sure you locate the essential information they need in a visible place, easy to access. 
  • Keep it simple. People don’t need complications; they are fed up with the complications they should face every day in their lives. Each of us, when clicking a webpage link, wants to find “an easy and fast-implemented” solution for our problem. Yes, maybe that’s just an illusion our brain is looking for, but as science proved until now, human beings can’t live without illusions. So, make your readers' illusions look real. 
  • And the last one, but not the least important about this topic is: Don’t forget that your audience is different. People who are visiting your website can have the same goal of looking at the information on the same topic, but all of them have different levels of education, expertise, experience, and knowledge. That’s why; try to make your content more flexible, using various ways of content presentation: it can be in visual, auditory, written, or other interactive forms. 

Strategies for Creating an Attractive SEO Content

  • And of course, don’t hesitate to share your content on social networks, creating internal and external links for it. Yes, here we are talking about OFF–Page SEO, the well-known term that refers to all the things you can do OFF your page to help it rank higher in the search engines. Network, forum and blog marketing, and article submission – these are just a few of the ways can help you achieve this goal.

But despite all these “rules” you feel somehow responsible to follow, don’t forget that people need to find an additional value in your content, otherwise your web page will not make any impact on them. 

Search engine traffic is important, but it can’t be a unique goal in the project you are managing.

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