September 1, 2022

Alina Hasnaș

Tips and Tricks for Improving SEO Campaigns (Quarterly)

1. Favicon optimization

It's shown on mobile and can influence the click-through rate if it looks good. Having a good favicon can make a difference to CTR if you get it right, maybe minor but important.

2. Optimizing breadcrumbs

What it is in your best interest to do is to make sure that Google displays the breadcrumbs that you want them to display, using those keywords that you choose. The best way to do this is through Ideally, the breadcrumbs would match the structure of your URLs, but this is not always the case unless the scheme is used.

3. Updated meta descriptions

A study shows that 70% of the time Google will rewrite the meta description, usually because it doesn't use the keywords the user is searching for. But if we write a well-crafted meta description, it can make users click, and that means creating meta descriptions rich in those keywords that people are searching for. So when Google uses your meta description, it brings clicks, which is a great opportunity to promote your page in search results.

4. Numbers in titles

The numbers usually yield pretty consistent results in improving your click-through rate (CTR). But you don't have to spam about it. Don't include them if they don't make sense and don't "fake" them. But if you can include a number, it will often increase the click-through rate. Another idea is to also put things in brackets (round or square).

5. FAQ and how-to chart

These help you appear in featured snippets in search results:

6. Relaunch your top content

Content may become out of date in a few years. So I suggest you relaunch your good content. Most people forget to do this periodically, even if they have very interesting topics already covered on their blog. So go back to your good stuff from the last two to five years or even 10 years, and see what you can relaunch by updating and keeping the same URL. You rewrite a blog post, update data, add details, relaunch it, and share it on social media.

7. Increase your number of internal links

Top SEO agencies, when they want to quickly improve rankings for clients, generally have 2 quick ways: 1. update title tags and meta descriptions, and 2. increase and improve their internal link structure.

8. But remove unnecessary links

It's a form of PageRank sculpting, and it works to an extent.

Remove unnecessary links. Do you need a link to your team page on every page of your website? Do you need a link to your contact form on every page of your website? In many cases, no. Sometimes yes. See the usefulness of these links and decide on a case-by-case basis. You may have created an incorrect link structure, which does not help you to correctly shape your page rank (from pages with high authority to those with which you want to share authority).

9. Audit your mobile vs. those on the desktop

It means making sure the links on your mobile site are the same as the links on the desktop version. Why is this important? Well, in recent years, Google has moved from indexing the desktop version to primarily indexing the mobile version of a site: that is, what is seen on your site on a mobile, that is the site.

This is important because many sites have a desktop version of the site, then adapt it to mobile and in the process remove links (from the footer, header, etc.)

10. Invest in long-form content

  • Content length is not a ranking factor in itself. Short content can rank just as well. The reason you should invest in longer content is that long-form content consistently gets more links and shares.
  • It also generally tends to rank higher in Google search results.

11. Capitalize on topic groups

Don't just release a single article on a certain topic important to your business. Make sure you write multiple pieces of content around the same topic and link them together. When you do this and link them smartly, you can increase the impact of your blog as people read more different articles, staying longer on the page. This way you can add even more suitable contextual internal links.

12. Take care of Core Web Vitals

In general, we are talking about site loading speed and providing a great page experience for the user. Indeed, some of these aspects are very technical, and Google has some tools, such as Lighthouse, to try to help you understand your site's speed issues.

A tip for WordPress: It is recommended to use Cloudflare, especially APO for WordPress (see here for details about this service: It's a way to speed up your WordPress site and help you score better for some of these basic site elements.

13. Limit sitemaps to 10,000 URLs

SEO experts present conclusive evidence that using smaller sitemaps can improve their crawlability. It's like Google might prioritize them, in a way. You also get slightly better data in Google Search Console. So you can see more clearly what is indexed and what is not.

14. Use "the Passive Link Building" Tricks

How is this done? Creating the types of content that journalists, bloggers, and web creators are looking for. These are generally data, guides, definitions, infographics, and how-to videos.

This type of content, if it's really good, generally earns a lot of links as people find it.

Passive link building is one of the most viable and effective ways to gain quality and natural links over time.

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