
Trenduri SEO 2023

March 27, 2023

Alina Hasnaș

When running an online business, the importance of SEO cannot be overstated. Therefore, carefully planned SEO optimization is the best guarantee and practically the only way to secure the top 5 positions in Google search results. But why work specifically with an SEO agency? Probably what you want is to increase traffic to your website, […]

campanii de promovare online

March 23, 2023

Alina Hasnaș

How to write a good SEO article? It is already known that to bring a website to the top of search engines, you need good-quality textual content. Only well-optimized texts will not give you the expected results in the organic search results. Or, SEO is a whole science about the organization, structuring, optimization, indexing, ranking, […]

Поведение потребителей в Интернете в 2023 году

March 22, 2023

Alina Hasnaș

Discover in this article the top digital promotion ideas in the financial banking field! In today's economy, the banking industry operates and competes fiercely for the same consumers and in virtually the same market. Precisely for these reasons, marketing done as per the book is essential for differentiating and developing the organization, as well as […]

March 20, 2023

Alina Hasnaș

Building the online and offline community around a business is the first step to effective sales. Understanding this allows you to make the right investments, starting from: Understanding the market where you want to sell the product. Targeting the customers you need. Creating a loyalty connection between business and customers. For the creation of the […]

Promovare pe Instagram 2023

March 17, 2023

Alina Hasnaș

Did you know that about 2 billion users are on Reels on Instagram every day? Sound good for the entrepreneur? Surely. Imagine that you could promote yourself on Instagram to an available market of about 2 billion people, to whom you can offer something new: a service, a product, or perhaps a story to pass […]

March 16, 2023

Alina Hasnaș

Citizens of the European Union can ask search engines (such as Google) to remove from their index certain information that is inappropriate, irrelevant, or excessive concerning them or another person. You can also remove stolen content from certain sites from the index by exercising your rights under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). False or […]

March 15, 2023

Alina Hasnaș

Online performance marketing is a form of promoting a brand, where the online marketing agency is paid based on results (profitability or ROI). The purpose of this way of operating is that the marketing approach is in the form of a sales funnel. Thus, every stage in the funnel should be carefully analyzed for constant […]

Strategie de marketing - pași de creare

March 14, 2023

Alina Hasnaș

An online marketing plan helps us define our action steps and organize our marketing strategy implementation. When creating it, several departments in the organization must be involved. For example: administration, for data about the manufacturing process and all associated costs. Then there's the marketing team, for customer avatar, competitor, and market analysis. Next comes accounting, […]

March 13, 2023

Alina Hasnaș

Using a Google image search is extremely useful from time to time in the virtual environment, namely to see if an image has been copied or if you want to understand its source. How to search by image in Google? You access Google Images Drag and drop the image you want to analyze into the […]

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