Opportunities to outperform competitors in your niche.
Phases of site pre-launch analysis:
(Phase I – strategic) – Steps taken:
- Competition study and online business niche study. At this phase, the target audience is identified, and the goals that the public has when they visit the site are determined. This is also where the functional requirements of each user are established (what they are accessing the page for, what they are looking for, for example: they are looking for a message box to contact a store representative, etc.).
- Analysis of specific keywords for service/product groups. Then there is the grouping of keywords per page of the site.
- Establishing the site architecture with a focus on marketing. At this stage, you get suggestions for creating new categories and subcategories that will contain new keywords that you can rank for in Google.
- Facilitating correct indexing by Google by setting SEO tools such as Sitemap.xml, Schema.org, etc. You can't do effective SEO optimization for your website if you don't pay maximum attention to website indexing. Schema.org and Sitemap.xml will make search engine bots analyze the complete structure of your site and permanently increase its indexing speed and quality.
- Building a long-term strategy to deliver SEO results along the way. Such a strategy will help your website maintain its positions even a year after the SEO work has been implemented on the website.
(Phase II – operational) - On-Page SEO:
In the second phase of SEO actions, we talk about an analysis of the site's accessibility. To make sure that Google will crawl your website correctly and to see the level of UX (User Experience), you need to answer the following questions:
- Are the pages and content on the site accessible to search engines?
- Is the content accessible to the general public, across all devices and browsers?
- Do the website pages load quickly on all devices (smartphone, tablet, PC, etc.)?
- Is the design, user interface, and experience pleasant and easy for all users?
Here is what On-Page SEO work is done at this stage:
- Setting up statistical and impact analysis/tracking tools (Google Analytics; Google Search Console, etc.).
- Creating Open Graph tags.
- Creation and implementation of appropriate meta tags (title, meta descriptions).
- Creation and implementation of Anchor and Header Texts (H1, H2, ..., H6).
- Optimizing images, and creating and adding ALT texts.
- The basic suggestions regarding site speed optimization. At this stage, the SEOLITTE team comes up with tips that are sent to developers so that they can improve the website's operating speed, for all devices.
- Website redesign consultation – which is also called information architecture audit. We will ensure that the site navigation structure is SEO-friendly and that the internal linking structure maximizes its SEO potential. We will modify 10-50% (sometimes more of the website), relying on keywords and building an architecture that is understood by Google. The structure and organization of content in pages will allow the creation and correct setting of the most important SEO tags. This will favor the correct indexing of the site by the Google search engine from the start.
Keyword analysis and keyword predictions - We'll analyze your keywords using our keyword analysis tool. It is conducive to estimating the amount of traffic, leads, or sales that can be obtained by improving the position of each keyword. Keyword analysis starts with the compilation of several lists of business-relevant words and phrases (approx. 300-500). For a better understanding of the topics to be covered, these words are grouped by topic so that, for each topic separately, we can estimate elements such as:
- the degree of visibility of the site in the organic results in Google;
- the position occupied by the site in Google for each individual term;
- the average volume of searches per month;
- seasonality related to search volumes;
- how searches are distributed per device (desktop vs. mobile);
- the variation in the volume of searches compared to last year;
- the degree of SEO difficulty of the keyword (keyword difficulty);
- what SERPs we have (images, video, news, ads, etc.);
- the average cost in Google Ads for promotion on the selected keywords.
SEO Audit Report and SEO consultancy during its implementation: contains the technical and functional analysis of the site, highlighting the main promotion opportunities:
- Analysis on the degree of indexation. Improvement solutions.
- Positioning in search engines and on the user-friendliness side.
- Link profile audit, content audit.
- Internal structure analysis.
- Source-code analysis.
- SEO performance analysis.
- Error analysis (type: 4XX - 5XX).
- Analysis of the use of Structured Data. Suggestions.
- Analysis of Duplicate/Repetitive Content.
- Using SEO tags.
- Studying the structure of the site. Presentation of the ideal architecture of a page.
- Problems detected at the URL level. Optimization solutions.
- Problems detected at the level of meta information. Optimization mode.
- Problems found at the speed score level. Solutions to increase website loading speed.
SEO audit workflow:
Each page of a site is studied:
- Page template – its architecture.
- Hierarchy of pages – hierarchy of menus, submenus.
- URL structure – keywords, form.
- The structure of internal links – their logic and SEO value.
- Off-page SEO analysis - Off-page SEO means increasing the popularity level of the website using PR and Link Building techniques and tools. Link Building is all about driving valuable and relevant links to your site. At this stage, opportunities to increase brand visibility and website authority will be analyzed. This will be done by implementing various Link Building strategies: presence in local and international directories, placing announcements and releases about your company. We will look at how to reach the critical mass (a sufficient number of links that would make you comparable to your competitors and attract the attention of search engines to your site) by publishing good content about your business.
Do you need SEO consulting? Contact us now at +373 69809235 or info{@}seolitte.com!