February 10, 2021


Advantages of SEO optimization over other methods of promotion

Are you looking for the best way to promote your business online? Are you paying huge amounts of money for street advertising, social media, television, etc., but you are not satisfied with the result? What if we told you that SEO optimization will bring you long-term results, cost less, and provide maximum efficiency?!

Advantages of SEO optimization

SEO optimization is the way to the audience your business needs. This means that after applying the SEO strategy, the site will be visited by those who represent the target audience and are ready to take the action you want them to: fill out a form, read a release, or make a purchase. This article answers 3 key questions: Why is SEO important for business, how is SEO optimization superior to other types of promotion, and why is SEO considered an investment?

You will receive visits from those people, who are interested in the product or service you offer: in fact, the customer himself will look for you. SEO optimization means working on websites so that search engines notice them, understand them, and bring them up in organic search results when the user uses these engines (such as Google) to find answers (more about what SEO deals with you can find here).

Advantages of SEO optimization in 2023

Imagine that you own a billboard, located on the central street of the city. So you pay for a billboard rental and ALL the potential traffic. But, unfortunately, the information that is placed on the board is not of interest to all the people who pass by. It appears, then, that the advertiser is paying for visibility... blind.

If there was a chance to optimize the panel with the help of SEO, then it was to show it only to those who are interested, often even to hot customers. Thus, the advertiser would make considerable savings.

Agree, it's good that the site is not a billboard, and that you can only pay to optimize the site for keywords relevant to your business (be they for brand awareness, information, or transactions). Well-done keyword analysis aims to detect user intent and serve up useful information when they search for it.

Thanks to SEO optimization you can create the portrait of your ideal client!

This means that the website owner can find out who his ideal customer is (with the help of tools such as Google Analytics) - know the age, and gender of each type of customer, the period during which he visited the site, and many other data to- and can then base business decisions on.

You can even look at your site "through the eyes of the client" (we use Hotjar for this) - that is as if you were at its monitor. Thus, it is possible to notice problematic moments and so-called "blind spots" of the site - analyzing from the outside is much simpler!

SEO optimization delivers long-term results!

the benefits of SEO optimization over other methods of promotion

This means that almost all actions aimed at promoting the site do not have momentary or short-term effectiveness, but rather long-term. For example, the links received after a few months start to work better, and in a year - even better! The older the site, the better its position in the search engine results (with the only condition: that it is not neglected).

The longer the promotion of the site takes, the more visible and effective this promotion works - the expenses remain the same: the cost of optimization does not increase over time (in fact vice versa), but the efficiency becomes higher.

Where tell me, have you seen another type of advertising that is just as profitable? You paid for advertising a year ago, a year has passed - and suddenly, at no additional cost, boom! - the site started attracting more and more buyers!

In this sense, SEO optimization is exclusive, or any other advertising "fades" with time, and only promoting the site through SEO is like a glass of expensive wine.

SEO vs other methods of promotion

SEO optimization costs less than offline advertising!

Unlike TV advertising and Radio ads, SEO optimization is an ongoing process, the goal of which is to get you to the top and keep you there.

  • The cost for a complete TV advertising campaign starts from 5000 euros. But don't forget the cost of production.
  • A 1-minute Radio ad costs from €25 upwards, but again, you'll need to pay to produce the ad and you'll want to run it as many times as possible, and each broadcast... also increases the cost.
  • Local or regional businesses can cope with the SEO optimization process with a monthly budget of 350 euros.

SEO optimization has a much lower amortized cost than Google Ads advertising!

Of course, with Google Ads (where you pay for every click received on the site) you don't wait a moment longer! First come first served. Google Ads works and brings sales. But did you know that only 2% of people who search on Google on the phone and 2.8% of those who search on a computer click on paid ads?

So SEO has 20 X more chances than Google Ads to get the searcher's click!

And what happens when you combine SEO with Google Ads (SEM)?

Advantages of SEO Optimization 2023

  • Reduced PPCs - a better SEO-friendly website means a higher quality score in Google Ads.
  • Increased revenue from well-targeted keywords - you flood the first page of Google with results about your business, and customers can no longer ignore you.
  • Increasing the volume of unpaid traffic - SEO means free traffic, brilliantly optimized for the right keywords.
    Increase revenue from unpaid traffic - people have a lot of faith in organic results, and a large number of people deliberately refuse to click on anything that contains an "Ad".
  • Improved conversion rate - SEO not only improves performance in search engine results but also improves the user-friendliness of the website and contributes to a better impression for website visitors, thus having a positive impact on conversions.
Why is SEO cheaper than other methods of promotion?

Because SEO is relatively new and experts are still adjusting budgets. Here the risk factor is not to be neglected either, search engines only make public some parts of their website ranking algorithms, which means that an SEO specialist, no matter how talented, is playing on risky territory. No, it's not like the stock exchange; be sure that if the SEO expert knows how to read the guidelines offered by the search engines, ALWAYS informs himself, and works only for the benefit of the client, visibly improving the quality of the content and the site in general, the result IS GUARANTEED.

It is also about the conservatism that experts encounter when trying to work with strong brands with history, who rather believe in TV and radio, without being able to see that the future is increasingly online. People are getting information online and the number of people buying online is skyrocketing.

Because you no longer address everyone, but only those who search for your product/service in Google, with SEO you no longer pay to reach EVERYONE.

And as any businessman is a pragmatic man, therefore, he will be interested in the aspect of economic benefits of promoting his site - and rightly so, because business should bring profit to the owner, and not unnecessary expenses!

You can summarize the following: the cost of SEO optimization is affordable. Optimization is effective and works not only today, when you paid, but also tomorrow when you stop spending and still earn "dividends" from promoting the site in front of a crowd of interested customers.

strengths, advantages of SEO 2023

Other unique advantages of SEO optimization

  • Brand Recognition - Showing your product at the top of search engine results will affect brand recognition. And adding tools like Google Ads remarketing can easily turn you into a purchase option in the mind of the potential buyer.
  • Improved Company Image - First-page results are generally perceived by users to reflect high-quality and trusted brands.
  • More Traffic - Since 99% of searchers never wander past the first page of search results, it makes sense that sites on the first page get the most traffic.
  • SEO is not an expense, SEO is an investment that pays off in the medium and long term.
  • The presence in search engines is 24/24. Whenever the buyer feels like looking for you.

Advantages of SEO optimization over other methods of promotion 2023

And what do we do now? Are we ditching all other channels in favor of SEO?

No way. SEO is a very important ingredient in your marketing mix - where every segment of promotion has its place in the strategy of imprinting in the mind of the buyer and creating a strong brand.

Let's, better, follow a very common case when the potential customer wants to buy a phone.

The numbers say that 92% of people will start with a Google search.

Imagine that the man who wrote "iPhone 14 Moldova" in Google received as a result your online store for which SEO was done, it is in the first place.

Intuitively, we all know that "being first counts", it's about the gold medal, the personal pride, and arrogance, but there's something else...profits...or, 1/3 of all traffic on a certain keyword comes to Number One, while less than 1% of searchers reach the 2nd page of Google results!

Neuro-marketing, in turn, says that the first impression is the most important and the hardest to change.

So, the user clicked on the result with your site and had a very pleasant experience, but... didn't buy.

The advantages and benefits of SEO optimization

This is where the rest of the promotion tools come in, such as remarketing on Social Media and online magazines, on online news sites, or either to remind them about you with outdoor banners (if you have the budget for such a thing), etc.

Used correctly and optimally, SEO dictates the rest of the promotion campaign and is at its epicenter, often ensuring a first impression of exceptional quality.

If you want to know more about how we deliver SEO services and what growth we can bring you, ask us for a personalized SEO quote - you'll also benefit from a free SEO analysis.

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