It is certainly no secret to you that SEO optimization includes the use of a wide suite of free and paid tools. Each stage of the SEO process requires dedicated tools and is carried out according to a well-established workflow. We set out in this article to reveal to you top SEO analysis tools that you probably haven't used yet. But they can add a lot of added value to your SEO audits and reports.
Lesser known SEO analysis tools
An extremely powerful tool with extended functionality even on the free version, very useful for measuring SEO impact and more is BuiltWith. You already know that for an effective SEO, you must not neglect the structure of the site. With this free tool, you can get information about the structure of any site. Namely – what technologies were used in the creation of the site and what extensions were installed on it? It is a good solution to spy on competitors and find out where they win and lose.
The next recommended tool is ScreamingFrog. We're talking about an "SEO spider" - software that crawls through a site entirely. In other words, it starts at your site's home page and then "visits link by link" until it compiles a list of metrics about all the pages on your site. In general, the activity of this software resembles that of a search engine. It uses the existing links inside a site to index all its pages.
Lumar is also useful in improving user experience. It identifies unique pages, duplicate pages, and URLs with errors, that have not been indexed by search engines. All these errors can be fixed. And the improvements once made can radically change both the user experience and the ranking of the site at the top of the results.
Traffic and competition SEO analysis tools
- Estimated website and app traffic. With this tool, you can get an overview of the trends and dynamics of your niche. Also here you can see various sales and investment opportunities.
- Page performance on various online communication channels: Social Media, SEO, Google Ads, etc.
- Site performance and positioning on various keywords relevant to the business.
- The values, dynamics, and characteristics of the audience, as well as the behavior of the target customer.