February 16, 2021


How to choose the right SEO company

Definition: SEO is the optimization and promotion of websites for more traffic from Search Engines. SEO has 2 big parts: On Page SEO and Off Page SEO. When we talk about on-page optimization (SEO On Page) we mean actual work on the website pages. Its content is being worked on to improve it. We work with special SEO tags: title, meta description, alt, Headings, etc. We work with relevant keywords, with the images on the website, and with their loading speed. On the other hand, work is also being done on the overall optimization strategy, and even more so - on educating the owner. It is aimed that the content that will be created in the future corresponds to high-quality standards and complies with the rigors of SEO.

Off Page SEO refers to promoting and increasing the popularity of a particular website. To improve this popularity, marketing techniques are used. Namely: writing advertorials, obtaining banners, relevant links for the given website, partnerships, etc. All this is done with utmost care (following a special, well-thought-out plan) and the quality of the links thus obtained is monitored. It is not enough to understand what SEO is, you need to know how to effectively apply this knowledge.

How to choose the right SEO company

How do you choose an SEO agency?

When a company does business on the Internet, sooner or later it inevitably ends up thinking about how it can increase its position in the search engine results, considering it a good method to increase sales. And in this chapter, the first thing to be decided is who exactly will be hired to promote the website.

This article examines the main points that play a key role in the process of choosing an SEO expert. The article will help those who decide to take this step to avoid the most common mistakes and achieve the desired result - increased traffic, potential customers, and also profits.

Choose your SEO company wisely

To clarify where to start, we advise you to draw up a plan of action, which you should follow exactly, to avoid mistakes and not waste time.

So, this is what the action plan should look like:

  1. Determination of the objective.

Before you start looking for an SEO specialist, you need to decide for yourself what your goals are:

- Increase in traffic;

- Increasing positioning in search engines on various keywords;

- Increasing the number of customers and, consequently, profits.

How to choose SEO company

Most of the time, entrepreneurs are specifically aiming for goal number 3, which is to increase turnover and sales. It's quite a challenging approach for all marketers, but it's grounded in reality and worth supporting.

  1. Setting priorities.

After you have decided what your objective is, you need to find out which characteristics (primary qualities or benefits) are a priority for you in choosing an SEO company. What you need to pay attention to:

- SEO Specialist/SEO Specialists - it is necessary to understand who the specialists in the company are, what methods and tools they use to perform SEO tasks, under what conditions they cooperate, etc.

- Experience of specialists - experience in promoting websites plays a key role in SEO. Simply put, you really shouldn't entrust such a complex task to beginners. It is necessary to choose a company that has already done such work with an impressive number of sites and understands what is required of it.

- The price of SEO services is also an important indicator. The quality of the work performed directly depends on its price. You don't have to chase the lowest costs in SEO, because as everyone knows, the miser pays twice.

- Guarantees - make sure that the provider is responsible for the result obtained, but no one can give you one hundred percent guarantees that you will constantly remain at the top of the search engine results, especially if there will be no constant work on the website.

Here it is very important to mention that according to the rules laid out by the search engine, SEO companies have no right to give guarantees because they do not own these search engines. In this context, the suggestion goes even further: you should not trust those who promise you that you will be guaranteed to be in the first place in the search results.

How to choose the right SEO company

  1. Selection of candidates.

Once you've decided what your goals and priorities are, you need to select candidates to complete your task.

It is necessary to check the candidates: read reviews and recommendations from those who have already used the services of these companies, ask the company for a personalized commercial offer, organize a meeting if necessary and personally discuss all the points of interest to you.

How do you choose the SEO company?

  1. Choosing an SEO Company.

After selecting candidates, 2-3 favorite companies are usually determined. Among them, choose the best one by analyzing cost-benefit indicators.

Next comes the signing of a contract for the provision of services and the start of collaboration.

To choose the right SEO company, you need to put in quite a lot of effort as well as spend a lot of time on selecting a good provider.

Or... you can contact us for a quote for the provision of SEO services and you will quickly receive a detailed commercial offer from a company with more than 7 years of experience and more than 400 clients in the portfolio!

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