Copywriting is the art of persuasion in words. Especially to persuade the public to buy what you have to offer or to resonate with your message. Moreover, good copywriting work can be measured quite clearly online: in clicks, shares, and views.
But what are the characteristics that turn a plain text into a selling one?
- Relevance.
- Persuasive writing.
- Authenticity.
- It urges the reader to take action.
- It arouses interest.
- It has some elements of novelty.
- Brings personal benefit to the audience: the message is modified depending on the audience.
- It has storytelling elements.
- Touches a sense.
So what are the goals of copywriting?
- Successful fulfillment of the digital promotion strategy: attract, stimulate, ensure, and sell your services and products.
- Quality brand awareness: everything to make the brand of consumers as well known as possible.
- Establishing an informative link between the client and the entrepreneur: advertising scenarios, slogans, and advertising campaigns.
- To create a stunning story about the brand.
For quality copywriting, you need to know who you are writing for. Here are the criteria on which you can build the ideal customer avatar:
Working copywriting formulas:
- Awareness - The first thing you need to draw readers' attention to is a convincing title/phrase.
- Interest - most people show a short duration of attention, especially online. Your goal is to keep the person interested in reading the text, making sure you write for those who are just "scanning" the material.
- Desire - people will not buy anything if they do not want to. There are 3 ways to cultivate a desire in a reader: display the benefits of a product, explain how the product will change his life, or how he can solve a problem.
- Action - a paragraph that talks about all the reasons why the reader must take immediate action, thus creating a sense of urgency.
2. 4 "U":
- Useful - how will the following text help the reader to solve a problem, answer a question, or provide a solution? Show what is in your material useful to him.
- Urgent - causes the reader to act earlier. You can do this by providing a timeout or deadline. It can also refer to certain stress, pressure, or an acute need that the reader feels.
- Unique - draws the reader's attention to a different fact, an unusual statement, or special information.
- Ultra-specific - can include numbers, indicate specific steps, or identify explicit or exclusive information.
Particular attention is paid to copywriting to the title, introduction, and ending elements. Why? Because:
-80% of the articles are not read due to an unattractive title: the title must understand who the target audience is, highlight the usefulness, be current, have numbers, and anticipate the search intent (the most searched formula online is "How to") and have triggers or magic words (such as "new", "free", "because", "imagine", "how-to" and numbers).
-8% of readers read the end and if they like it go back to the introduction and go through the text itself: use numbers, and infographics, and structure the content into chapters and subchapters. The article must also contain a strong ending - a relevant conclusion or call to action.
Now that we've determined what texts sell, let's see what SEO texts mean:
SEO copywriting is the type of content we create to stand out in search engine results.
The purpose of SEO copywriting is to increase the relevance of written texts. You write for 2 categories of users: people and search engines (robots).
What is the job of an SEO Copywriter about?
The SEO copywriter writes texts using keywords. Keywords are the words and phrases that users enter in the search box of a search engine, such as Google, to find the information they are looking for. Keywords can be a single word, phrase, sentence, or question.
What is the role of keywords in SEO Copywriting?
To understand why we need keywords, let's take a look at how to search online:
- First of all, you have a need and you want to search Google for an answer or a solution to your problem.
- You formulate the need in a series of words and phrases, known as "query", and you enter it in the search engine.
- Search through the results obtained, click on that result, and if you are satisfied come back or stay on the page.
These steps reveal that in SEO strategy we need to focus on the most important and representative words for a brand (in other words: those that sell and those that suggest the user's intention).
Where are keywords used?
In the texts on the site, in product descriptions, in blog articles, in SEO tags, and PR articles about your brand.
So what's the connection between SEO and selling texts?
SEO also is important for the user experience, which is achieved exclusively through quality copywriting. Here are the defining elements of quality copywriting:
- It intrigues the user right from the title.
- It makes the person stay on the website as long as possible.
- It allows people to interact with your site and its content.
- It decreases the rejection rate (represented by the percentage of all sessions on the site in which users accessed a single page and submitted a single request to the Google Analytics server).
- It uses visual material and numbers for more credibility.
- Use only short, clear sentences with up to 20 words.
The text always has a good structure: the content on the page is arranged according to the reader's priorities.
The feeling of accessibility must be created: any user, when accessing a link of a web page, wants to find solutions to his problems, easy to implement in practice, blog articles are a good solution.
Also, SEO counts the links received from other sites, the good news is that they can be attracted by good content, namely:
- Unique content in Romanian.
- In-depth research and analysis.
- Infographics, videos, and author photos accompany the text.
- Headings, lists, short paragraphs (up to 300 words - one paragraph).
- Internal links.
- Useful blog posts.
All these elements of SEO copywriting, in fact, also help in the process of convincing in words through these mechanisms. Or, a good SEO copywriter needs to know the human nature, needs, preferences, tastes, and desires of people. The SEO copywriting process adds value to the visitors, not just placing keywords in the texts on the site. By choosing a suitable audience, interested in the topics he wants to address, the copywriter can provide the desired information to visitors, in a way that is beneficial for the site's ability to rank in results.
It is quite clear nowadays that search engines are only looking for quality, just like human users. So you need to produce readable, value-added content to stand out as a brand, or content producer, and the quality of your content helps you find and retain customers. We can thus say that at the intersection between copywriting for SEO and content that sells are the transactions' drivers.