December 10, 2021

Alina Hasnaș

Design and UX: How to create selling sites?

Steps to create a website:

Create Selling Sites - Design and UX

How do we create a website?

  • Information collection (online and offline research)
  • Business plan and website structure planning (Project Manager)
  • Creating Design and UX - a unique template for each page (Web Designer and Dev)
  • Choosing the right CMS for your site type (such as WordPress, Joomla) (working with the developer)
  • Website development (working with the developer)
  • On-Page Optimization of Every Site Page (Copywriter)
  • Website maintenance (SEO Specialist).

A minimum of categories must exist on the site:

  • About
  • Products and services
  • Portfolio / Catalog / Team
  • Blog
  • Contact.

What is Web Design?

Web Design is the planning and creation of a website. Creating information architecture, user interface, site structure, site navigation, colors, characters, and images. The ultimate goal is the user experience (UX - user experience).

Design and UX 2023

The basics of good web design:

-Fast website - great loading speed

-The first page must be well-organized

-No annoying widgets (eg popups, flyers, ads)

-The message should be painfully clear on the main pages (For more information you have to use the Blog category)

-Coordinated design - comfortable for users one

-Easy navigation - a well-organized menu. Most people start reading from the top left and continue reading from the bottom right

-The site must be complete (if you have a site under construction, you better tell visitors that they will find more content in the future, using the phrases "Weekly updated content" or "New products added monthly").

UX - user experience - the interaction between a real user and products or services such as websites, applications, and physical products. To get the attention of the users and keep them on the site, a well-optimized design is required

The basic principle of UX is to create simple web interfaces that are easy to understand and must be intuitive for the user.

Design and UX link

What does a UX-compliant website look like?

-The site is easy to use and intuitive

-Information is easy to find

-Buttons and links are functional and intuitive (when you click Add to Cart, the product is added to the shopping cart, and nothing else happens)

-In an online store, the ordering process works without errors or interruptions

-It must contain a search bar

-Easy navigation through Breadcrumbs is required.

Design and UX relationship

Design web and UX (User Experience):

-Sketch - drawn on paper

-Wireframe - represents the digital transposition of the sketch. It contains the approximate number of pages, the method by which the pages are linked (menu), and navigation elements.

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