July 9, 2021

Alina Hasnaș

Learn how you can get more sales in 2024 with e-commerce SEO strategies

How do you make your business seen in a world that has suddenly "turned" to online sales? You create an online store! If you are not yet online, now is the time. Although in recent years the online presence has become more and more important for the visibility of the business in the market, now it is necessary, if you want to maintain your positions and even gain momentum in your field!

When it comes to e-commerce, you should consider the search engine optimization (SEO) of the content you generate, whether it's product or category descriptions on your website.

Recent data shows that the right SEO strategy can help you grow your business and reach a higher percentage of your potential customers.

So, the markets are on a continuous rise and you should take advantage of this.

SEO strategies for e-commerce

  • Choose the right keywords

The more general the keywords you choose, the more competition there will be. This is a general rule for any type of business, not just online stores.

Always aim to rank as high as possible for long tail keywords, which are specific phrases with a low number of searches but a higher conversion rate. Even if the addressability is low at first glance, the Internet is wide enough and you will find your target audience.

  • Website structure

Make sure you have your content very well structured. It is important to have differentiated category pages, headings, and sub-headings for different product categories. In this way, the user can easily navigate the site.

Keep your meta descriptions short and incorporate keywords related to your products or services. Always update your meta descriptions, as they are the first to appear in search engines and should reflect your offer as clearly as possible.

  • Explore as many platforms as possible

Google, even though it is an absolute leader in user preferences, is not the only search engine you can use to increase your organic positioning. You also have alternatives. You must try to rank on the first pages within these platforms as well.

Maintain at least one active Social Media account and respond as quickly as possible to customers who have questions. Use keywords in posts to increase brand awareness. It is also important to handle negative reviews or complaints regularly. All these things are very helpful for integrated SEO strategy for e-commerce.

SEO strategies for e-commerce 2023

  • Promote your business online

Expanding a business online is necessary. However, it is not enough that your website looks good and you have loyal customers. You want to be successful in the long run so you can bring in new customers and grow your business, right?

  • Organic content

That means promotion through your website content or social media posts, email marketing, and SEO optimization. The more relevant the content you publish, the more search engines will place you among the first searches. The main advantages? It's free and you can do it yourself!

  • Paid promotion

You can apply this type of promotion through several channels. Google Ads provides you with search, display, or shopping campaigns, while with Facebook Business, Instagram Business, and YouTube, the focus is on display promotion, through video ads, product exposure, or Instagram stories.

Through creativity, a visionary marketing strategy, and a correctly calculated budget, selling online can become a breeze! Find the right promotion for your business, experiment, and take advantage of the freedom and advantages you have in the online environment.

SEO strategies and ideas for e-commerce 2023

SEOLITTE can offer you these services, from website creation and structuring, to optimized promotion campaigns - all structured in customized packages for you and your business. All you have to do is contact us at + 373 69 809 235 and we will come up with the best offer for you!

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