February 10, 2023

Alina Hasnaș

Online marketing mix: differences from offline marketing

If you want to sell in the virtual environment, you will have to use the online marketing mix, but also adapt it to digital realities. The basic question is: how can you create added value in this dynamic environment?

The term "marketing mix" refers to the 4 main dimensions around which marketing activity is focused. Namely:

  • product;
  • price;
  • promotion;
  • placement.

When we talk about the online marketing mix, we include here branding, paid (through Google Ads and Facebook Ads), and organic impact creation (SEO and Social Media impact). Moreover, to achieve our digital marketing goals, we need to drive them according to a coordinated and complex plan of action. Thus, designing a marketing strategy includes the following steps: conducting a market study, analyzing consumer behavior, building communication policies, but also persuasion in B2B or B2C messages.

Online Marketing Mix: Product

When we talk about product strategy, the first thing to think about is whether you can offer a different product range online. That is: can you modify or expand your products so that you have a different offer online? Then you have to add value to the products, through additional content or additional services.

As the digital environment is faster, more dynamic, and more competitive, you need to make your products more interactive.

Online Marketing Mix: Price

Is there room for a different pricing strategy for your online products and services? However, on the Internet, it is much easier to compare prices and they need transparency. If we are to remember the dynamic character of online markets, we should also think about the rapid adjustment of prices that must intervene with the change in the structure of demand. So that it would be opportune to lower prices or to increase customer loyalty through a special price policy (individualized, depending on the online behavior of buyers?). Equally important is effective price communication.

Let's not forget the online pricing policy is changing, namely reducing some storage and display costs and increasing spending on digital promotion, distribution, online promotion, and online research.

The Online Marketing Mix 2023

Online Marketing Mix: Promotion

Compared to offline promotion, which can often be very static and difficult to measure, digital promotion is interactive and measurable. Moreover, unlike TV advertising and radio ads, online marketing has a much lower price tag. Online-un also allows well-segmented communications and marketing customization.

Another difference that cannot be ignored is that here communication is two-way (to and from receivers) and takes place in real-time (via instant chats and social networks). In other words, online you get instant feedback. And this is important, especially if you are among the entrepreneurs who want to develop their business qualitatively.

Digital marketing therefore adds new methods of communication. It also provides new opportunities for contact with consumers.

Online Marketing Mix: Placement

Distribution means, in simple terms, ensuring the flow of goods from producer to consumer.

This element of the online marketing mix is changing significantly, first of all, there is a decrease in the need for stocks. Then comes the need to decrease the response time to market fluctuations, as the virtual environment allows the individualization of distribution activities.

Moreover, the digital space has created new distribution channels and new opportunities to combine them creatively. So, if you want to set up your placement strategy, you need to understand which channels work effectively for your product/service. When we talk about online placement we have to think about new intermediaries, portals, or partners that would facilitate the sale of our stocks. Sales on mobile devices are also of particular importance.

Partners - these appear especially in the online environment

In digital marketing, partners can make the difference between quality brand awareness, and conveyor belt sales - on the one hand; and unsuccessful - on the other hand, as marketing is increasingly based on partnerships and alliances bringing profits to both parties.

The online marketing mix for services

When it comes to services, which have an immaterial character, constant and convincing communication is required online. It is also necessary to build a relationship of trust. Plus, ensuring service tangibility. Thus, three more are added to the four standard components of the marketing mix (price, product, promotion, distribution). They are the process, the personnel, and the physical evidence.


What is the role of your staff in ensuring that online sales are effective? How are people treated when they interact with your brand online? Here it includes all experiences with the company and its employees: before, during, and after the purchase.


How are your online processes and procedures changing? What new responsibilities, functions, and jobs are emerging?

Physical test

How do you ensure the consumer's experience with you is impeccable when it comes to your digital assets? How do you ensure that promises are fulfilled and products reach their recipients?


The right marketing mix adapted to your business works like a work schedule. It is ready for implementation for at least 12 consecutive months! Good luck finding the right mix for your business!

If you can't handle these tasks, we are here for you. We have more than 7 years of experience in digital marketing. Call us at +373 69 809 235 (Moldova), +40726794856 (Romania) or leave us a message at info{@}seolitte.com.

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