KPIs (Key Performance Indicators): What results should our client expect?
The SEO and Digital Marketing Agency SEOLITTE is the company where the strategy is in place. We offer creative promotion solutions, adapted to each business.
In the SEO activity, we follow 4 main objectives (respectively, 4 types of performance indicators):
1. Top positions on competitive keywords
Every business is based on certain keywords that help it get as close as possible to users looking for services / products online. Keywords and keyword combinations with a high number of monthly searches lead to huge online competition between sites in the same niche. For example, keywords such as "cheap cell phone", "laptop on loan" (technology), "one-room apartments", "home buying" (real estate) or "Lavazza coffee", "coffee beans" food industry) are some examples to help you understand how important it is to position your site on the front page of Google if you want to get close to your customer. Each of these keywords has thousands of searches per month, which is why it is extremely important to understand the importance of this SEO goal.
2. Increasing the number of long-tail indexable keywords
In most businesses, these words are ignored by SEO strategies, precisely because they have few requests and thus lead to a huge loss of potential customers. But in reality, things are different. If targeting takes place on low-keyword keywords, then we have little competition, which would allow us to place the customer's site in the top of the search engines and bring it closer to its customers / users, respectively.
3. Increasing the overall visibility of the site
Healthy competition is a stimulus for improving and optimizing sites in order to gain top search engine rankings. Online visibility is extremely important, because it shows you how far ahead of your competitors you are, as well as what market share you have. Since everything in SEO is measurable, visibility can be quantified by the top position on your important keywords. The notoriety of your brand online depends directly on the visibility of the site you own.
4. Increasing targeted site traffic
In order to have sales results, it is vital to gain a high volume of qualified traffic to your site. One of the most important SEO goals of the SEOLITTE agency is to increase the traffic that comes from non-brand keywords and those with obvious commercial potential.
Important: All objectives are set each time only with the business owner and in line with the overall marketing strategy / sales policy.
So, together with our customers, we will set the size for the following KPIs:
1. Improving the quality of the site and correcting technical errors.
2. Increasing the volume of organic traffic (+ X% of current traffic).
3. Increasing visibility: we analyze the general visibility of our customers' websites vs. competitors.
4. Following a positive dynamic on the indexing speed side: how does Google react to changes we make on the site?
5. Increase domain authority, so that when new pages appear, we automatically get good positions on new keywords.
6. Increase sales.
Real example of goals for the first 4 months of delivered SEO services:
1. Index all pages of the website.
2. Top 10 after the first 4 months for the proposed keyword families.
Here are the results that SEOLITTE proposes for the first 6 months:
- Obtaining positions on competitors' keywords / brand names.
- Conversions' optimization to increase website sales.
- Get top 5 positions in Google for selected keywords.
- Increase the authority of the site so that it appears naturally in the search results for keywords that interest us.
- Increasing organic traffic and the number of loyal customers.
The goals and strategic objectives we set ourselves are directly related to the performance we show when we launch long-term collaborations. We are followers of a modern SEO and adapted to the needs of every business.
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+373 69 809 235
M - F: 9 AM - 6 PM
S-S: Free
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