February 12, 2021


SEO Trends 2023

SEO Trends in 2023 answers the series of questions: How are we doing SEO in 2023? What can we expect from SEO this year? What are the most important SEO factors: Keywords or Backlinks? Maybe writing an appropriate Anchor Text? See the list of SEO trends 2023 below to find out what elements Google is relying on first this year. Below we have compiled a top of this year's SEO trends. Top 6 most important SEO elements and factors to keep in mind to get noticed by Google:
  • Content is the King
  • User-friendliness is crucial
  • Mobile-Friendly website
  • Using of Rich Snippets
  • Brand Presence in Social Media
  • Local SEO.
SEO Trends 2023

1. Content is King

Good content is the first and most important rule in SEO, it goes far beyond the "SEO Trends 2023" category! Useful information, case studies, concrete and useful data, beautiful images, and detailed explanations - all these bring good results in search engines. Good content is probably the rule that will never expire in SEO. Whether you hire SEO services or optimize your site yourself, make sure your users are getting the best content possible!

2. User-friendly website

Increase user satisfaction of your website by presenting information in a readable, intuitive, well-organized way. In 2023, how people interact with your pages matters a lot.

Google places particular emphasis on the retention level of the user on the page. It also focuses on user behavior on the page. Moreover, Google's intelligent bots try to quantify this data to understand the users' attitudes towards the page they landed on.

Precisely for this reason, doing qualitative SEO in 2023 means being able to hook the visitor. This happens through quality and friendliness towards visitors, so that they linger on your website. User-friendliness also means taking care to faithfully serve your site to any user, whether they're accessing from the latest device or an older device.

Also, the website must be functional on any browser.

The website should have a decent loading speed.

The site must be well-structured and as easy as possible for people to navigate.

3. Mobile devices are the future

Mobile search overtook desktop search a long time ago! With the launch of "Mobilegeddon" on April 21, 2015, Google severely penalized sites without a mobile-friendly version.

A year later - on May 12, 2016, it launched another algorithm change in which it penalizes even more sites that are not mobile-friendly.

From here we conclude that the mobile version of the site matters a lot for search results. If you want to have a chance in the search results, don't hesitate for a moment - create a responsive version of the site for mobile devices as well.

2023 SEO trends

4. Rich Snippets

The numbers prove that if a certain result stands out in the search results - it has a higher CTR.

This is one of the elements that is often overlooked by those who want results in search engines. However, many times it is precisely rich snippets that help sites to be visited much more.

A nice layout in Google results, with more extensive explanations in search results, often piques visitors' curiosity.

Moreover, rich snippets are proof of your professionalism and the fact that you care about the visibility and image of your brand.

With rich snippets, you have an impeccable presence in Google.

2023 SEO optimization trends

5. Social interactions

  • They attract visitors to the site;
  • Google measures the viability and presence of your particular site through these signals;
  • It represents a closeness to the target audience, a lively and caring presence;
  • A strong brand on Social Networks (such as Facebook or Instagram) is more likely to achieve good positions in search results;
  • An article with many social interactions is more valuable to Google than one with no or few interactions;
  • The presence of Social Buttons on every page of your website is appreciated by Google.

Therefore, your business must also be present in Social Media. To take care of your presence on Social Networks, you can hire an in-house person or use social media management services.

best 2023 SEO trends

6. Local SEO

In 2023 more and more local searches are taking place, especially from mobile devices. Snippet optimization (title optimization and meta description SEO optimization with which you appear in search results) with address, and phone number could bring real benefits in Google for potential buyers in your locality. Google My Business is a very good tool for Local SEO.

best SEO trends in 2023

Moreover, Google tends to help potential buyers find services and products that are as close as possible to their location. So, a small local business will have priority in Google search results when searching for a product or service over a corporation located in another part of the Globe. Using Google My Business can help Google better understand who your target audience is, as well as your location.

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