August 4, 2022

Alina Hasnaș

Commercial messages with triggers. Influence or correctness

Have you heard of the word trigger? Maybe you bumped into him when you went to a therapy session or maybe in some Hollywood production. This word is increasingly used in the media space and comes to emphasize those situations where a specialist uses some levers of influence to "catch" the consumer or potential client in his sales funnel.

  1. The nature of the triggers

Usually, triggers are used for the most diverse purposes, such as:

The term trigger is also associated with Database Management System activities because it is impossible to use these mechanisms in the absence of effective management of databases, especially personal ones.

If we were to simplify, triggers are counter-actions, which come in response to certain processes undertaken by a client. For example, the simplest model is the click link used in email marketing or remarketing campaigns. By inserting a specific link in a commercial message, you convince the client to click and you bring traffic to a specific platform that you manage. In this dimension, it is important to focus on the keyword, to which a reader reacts. This is all the more pertinent, for example, in commercial messages placed in advertorials. When writing such a text, the digital marketing specialist creates a digital canvas, consisting of:

  • Keyword.
  • Value element - important to the customer.
  • The usefulness of the message and the connection with the trigger.

Let's imagine that you have a chocolate business and you want to convince ladies who are losing weight to buy your product. To begin with, you need to overcome the reluctance of the target audience by using a rethought message: the transition from "delicious chocolate" to "healthy". Accordingly, in the commercial message basic triggers can be: "losing kilos", "healthy slimming" or "healthy delicacies".

Commercial messages with triggers

  1. Types of triggers

According to a classification provided by IBM researchers, there is a basic, fundamental classification of triggers as follows:

  • Preceding Triggers – are used to collect data and create an overview of existing procedures;
  • Processing trigger – the Insert, Update, and Delete mechanisms are used;
  • Post-processing triggers – are used to determine the results of a campaign.
  1. Why and how should triggers be used in commercial communication?

Similar to other widely used influence mechanisms, triggers are used taking into account:

  • Their psycho-emotional impact on users, so any kind of pejorative words, or aggressive clichés are excluded (differentiate between aggression and hype, both can have negative notions at the base, the difference is similar perception or bullying);
  • The innovation they produce they are used to create a paradigm appropriate to the brand;
  • Simplicity and accessibility – the easier a trigger is to access and perceive, the higher the results will be.

Triggered commercial messages

Do you want to use triggers in your brand's commercial communication? Gain notoriety organically and quickly? It's time to call on the services of digital marketing company SEOLITTE. We provide you with SEO, SMM, and PR strategies designed exclusively for your brand. Call now at +373 69 809 235 or leave a message at

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