September 16, 2021

Alina Hasnaș

SEO glossary

Anchor Text - one of the most powerful signals that engines use in their rankings is anchor text. If dozens of links lead to a page on matching keywords, the page has a very high probability of ranking for the phrase targeted in this anchor text.

Average session duration  - the average duration of website visits. To calculate, Google Analytics adds the duration of each session over the specified period and divides it by the total number of sessions.

Backlinks (or inbound links) - have come to have a vital role in achieving effective SEO with long-term results. By its technical definition, a backlink is a connection between 2 web pages that occurs by inserting a hyperlink to a URL in the text of a page (or on an image). Links inserted in the text actively participate in determining the ranking of a site in search engines. Search engine algorithms give importance to organic and quality links. The amount of backlinks in these cases does not play a very important role for Google and other search engines. They are links from other sites or pages sent to a page or to the main domain of your site.

Bounce rate - is the percentage of unique page visits. It is the number of visits in which a person leaves your website exactly from the landing page, without navigating to other internal pages.

Canonical - this is the tag that can prevent Google from seeing your site's pages as having duplicate content. Canonical is used for filter pages (For example: color filters on online stores often create several new pages with the same content, just ordered a little differently. To show the search engine what the original version of a page is, Google indexes only the original version of the content and not all its duplicate versions).

Copywriter - a person who specializes in creating website content, articles, and product descriptions. A good copywriter has the art of persuasion through words.

Country-coded TLDs (ccTLDs) – composed of 2 letters; refer to a country code or a territory assimilated to a country: .ru, .md, .ro.

Content Marketing - this work technique aims to create only the content, which both search engines and potential buyers/clients constantly need.

Crawl - the stage of discovery of the site by the search engine, it is possible due to the existing links between web pages (links).

Do-follow link - by default, all links inserted in the text of the page are links that search engine bots will follow and analyze. Do-follow links participate in gaining SEO authority.

Domain Authority - a score from 1 to 100 - represents the ranking ability of the site based on the PageRank algorithm (, this metric is calculated according to combinations of site metrics yours, such as the total number of links to the site, the number of sites that link to the site, their quality/authority, etc. The authority determines the competitiveness of the website and shows, in an estimative way, the effort required by the SEO team for a high ranking.

Exact Match Domains (EMD) - this is one of the determining elements for ranking in Google, because exact match domains are still one of the elements that show the quality of your site, for example, would be a domain name relevant to the SEO area in Moldova.

Errors of type 4XX (example: 404) - will be displayed in the client's browser, exposing problems on the client side (the user's computer).

Error 404 Page Not Found or Server Not Found - a Hypertext Transfer Protocol response code, The message is sent from the web server of an online presence to the web browser (usually the client) that sent the HTTP request.

Generic TLDs (gTLDs) – these are composed of 3 letters; I do NOT refer to any country code or any geographic area.
Top-level domain (TLD) or, in the language currently used, "extension" - is the part positioned to the right (after the last dot) For, the TLD is .md. For, the TLD is .com.

Google Analytics - the most powerful web data measurement and analysis tool available today. Since November 2005, Google Analytics has experienced rapid and impressive development, especially when it comes to analysis options, advanced filtering, and data recording quality.

Keywords - the words and phrases that internet users enter into the Google search box to find the information they are looking for. These keywords are not strictly words but can take many forms: a single word, a phrase, a sentence, or a question. In Romanian searches, keywords without diacritics are often used, because Google still understands Romanian poorly.

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords - ISL is short for Latent Semantic Indexing. Here we are talking about the semantics of words. Using a word in your content with multiple meanings can give Google a signal about the quality of the content on your site. Here is one of the simplest examples: using the word "apple" with its proper meaning of fruit, or using it with the meaning of computer company. This is why it is so important to focus on content. ISL keywords seem to help Google understand and differentiate synonyms in context.

Long Tail Keywords - Also called "long tail" keywords. They bring the best conversions and bring the most visitors to the site, and the reason is simple: they are specific, express a clear intention, and surprise the audience during the information or purchase decision. It is during these stages that most searches on search engines take place.

Headings (H1, H2, ..., H6) - have the role of highlighting the most important elements of the page's content and indicating to search engines what the page is about. It is recommended to create unique Headings that include niche keywords.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) – the standard for transferring information from a web page to the server, which stipulates that the document can be opened by a browser and not by another type of program. The advantage offered by the HTTPS protocol is that the security of the information transmitted between the user of a site and the server is additionally protected. Google rewards websites that offer users increased security while browsing, using the HTTPS protocol is a great advantage in positioning Google.

Keyword analysis - one of the most important activities in search engine marketing. An effectively performed analysis will positively influence the site's ranking in the top search engine results. So, the purpose of key phrases is to attract the target audience, that is – visitors interested in the content of the site.

Indexing - search engines decipher the code with which web pages are written, web pages "considered" useful are stored in huge databases for later recall and provided in response to searches.

Informational queries – when the user is looking for information, such as the name of a brand or the most popular restaurant in their locality.

Navigational queries – queries to find an online destination such as Facebook or the official page of an organization/ministry etc.

Transactional queries – these are queries that anticipate an action, such as buying a ticket, or listening/downloading a song.

Link Juice - this term refers to the "passing" of authority from one site to another. The amount of reputation passed on is called link juice. The higher this "juice", the more reputation this site will get online.

Internal links - internal links represent all the links within the same site. Such links play a vital role in SEO optimization. In the context of news sites, it is recommended that news items be linked to each other by a hyperlink placed on the key phrase used in the text. Special attention is paid to keywords, they make the mentioned page rank in the search results for a certain direction, we place several links to different pages of the site. These links are placed on keywords representative of the pages being linked to (internal links are hints to search engines about the relationships between pages). We do not repeat the same link several times on a page, we do not put different links on the same keywords. The structure of the site also benefits here, becoming better and clearer, a fact that will gain Google's trust.

Links from Class C Separate IP Addresses - What does Class C Separate IP mean? Well, let's explain this. Let's say you are a webmaster who owns several web pages and they all have the same IP. This is a big mistake! Search engines may consider this action a form of spam. It is recommended to separate the links on different IP addresses, this way you will suggest to Google that another group of sites is related to your page. This will help you reach good positions in the leaderboard.

Long-tail keywords - keywords made up of 3 or more words, Ex: SEO promotion techniques, Chisinau SEO promotion agency. In general, long-tail keywords offer the following SEO advantages over short-tail keywords: they have less competition and show a more precise search intent → the chances that the user will take a certain action on the site (purchase, request, offer, etc.) are higher (so better conversion rate).

Meta Description - represents a sentence that describes exactly what the page that the user will open, once he clicks from the search results, contains. This description contains 150-160 characters and is displayed in the search results.

Meta Tags - (also called meta tags) are code elements that describe the content of the website. Meta tags are useful for both users and search engines, they involve Meta titles, Meta descriptions, and Headings that contain the relevant keywords for the site and for each news item separately. They help search engines understand what the targeted page is about and index it according to its relevance.

No-follow link - no-follow links do not convey authority to the site to which they link. To create a link of this type, the "nofollow" tag must be inserted into the HTML of the page. As a rule, this attribute is introduced for advertising sites.

Number of indexed pages - the number of pages with which your site will appear in search engines.

Ranking Factors - ranking refers to the position a website occupies in search engine results pages (SERPs). When you're looking for some information in search engines like Google, every web page that pops up isn't there by accident. Google placed it in the ranking, due to some requirements that may or may not have been met by the administrators or owners of the web page. These requirements we are talking about are called ranking factors. These conditions change periodically, and that's only natural, considering that the way search engines work evolves as we humans evolve every day. Each search engine has its requirements for websites and this is the main reason why you will not find the same ranking factors in the algorithms of all search engines.

Pogo Sticking - the actions of pressing back and forth determine the results of Google searches. If Google notices that people are quickly leaving a page to click on another search result, it sends a strong message to Google: "The page is not of good quality!"

PPC (pay-per-click) - is a branch of online marketing that aims to improve the visibility of a site in the paid results of search engines. The PPC system used by Google is called Google Ads.

Page Load Time - how long the page took to load for a sample of page views.

RankBrain - a technology that contains a set of ranking signals, according to information provided by specialist Greg Corrado, researcher at Google. The RankBrain program was created with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) by a team of engineers from Google, its objective is to process the volume of daily searches. Although this new process is seen as a substitute for Hummingbird, experts say that it is not a replacement for it, but is one of the most fundamental ranking factors that influence it.

Ranking / Positioning - the ranking achieves the ranking of the selected pages, according to their popularity and relevance.

Robots.txt - this helps a site administrator to "tell" Google which pages they want indexed and which they don't. - a language through which search engines understand the content of a web page much better and serve the best possible results.

Optimized images - image optimization aims to reduce the file size of images as much as possible without sacrificing quality so that page load times remain low. Images must be named and described in plain language and with keywords.

Speed Optimization Level according to Google - is a score that summarizes how fast the page loads. A score of 90 or higher is considered good. 50-90 is a score that needs improvement, and below 50 is considered a poor score.

SPAM score - indicates, in an approximate way, the chance of penalizing the site by Google.

SEO - optimizing and promoting websites to get more traffic from search engines. About 8.5 billion searches are made on Google every day, and that's because 93% of online experiences start specifically with the search engine. It is a branch of online marketing that aims to improve a website's visibility in unpaid search engine results, also called organic results. SEO is a marketing discipline focused on increasing visibility in organic (unpaid) search engine results. SEO encompasses both the technical and creative elements needed to improve your search results and increase the understanding of your site by search engines. There are many aspects to SEO, from the words on your site page to how other sites link to you on the web. Sometimes SEO is simply a matter of making sure your site is structured in a way that search engines understand.

SEO audit - involves examining the entire site to identify possible SEO errors, such as technical or site architecture errors. All this is analyzed in detail to be able to determine what should be the directions for improving the site.

SEO Copywriting - that type of content that is created to make websites stand out in search engine results. An SEO copywriter creates relevant texts for 2 categories of users: people and search engines (in particular – their robots). Websites need effective SEO copywriting to get as close as possible to users.

SEO Off-page - refers to promoting and increasing the popularity of a certain website, to achieve this, marketing techniques are used. Namely: writing advertorials, obtaining banners, relevant links for the given website, partnerships, etc. All this is done with utmost care (following a special, well-thought-out plan) and the quality of the links thus obtained is monitored. It is not enough to understand what SEO is, you need to know how to effectively apply this knowledge.

Sessions - the term used for website visits.
Short tail keywords - keywords made up of 1 or 2 words. Example: SEO, SEO promotion.

Sitemap.xml - a document that helps Google and search engines better understand the content of your website.

Technical SEO - refers to all the work done on the site to bring it, organically, to the top of the search results. At the same time, these technical optimization works fall into the On-Page SEO category – the work done to improve the quality and content of the website.

TikTok - a social network for sharing video content. The TikTok platform is used to make a variety of short videos that include dance, comedy, and education, ranging from 3 seconds to 1 minute in length.

Title (meta tag) - is the phrase that the user clicks on in the search results, after entering a certain keyword in the Google search box. It should contain 50-60 characters and be as relevant as possible to the entered query.

TrustRank - it's no news to anyone that the Internet contains massive amounts of spam. Some estimates even say that more than 60% of web pages are spam. To remove this irrelevant content, search engines use trust measurement systems, many of which are based on backlinks. Earning links from trusted domains can result in a significant boost to your site. Universities, government sites, and non-profit organizations (.edu and .gov sites) are examples of highly trusted domains.

URL Address - a sequence of characters, used to name, locate, and identify resources on the Internet. The URL of a web page is composed of a domain name, a domain category (".com"), and a path to reach the page in question.

White Hat SEO - involves hard work on the website (which the engines cannot fail to notice, but neither can humans). This type of SEO brings value to visitors because by playing by the rules of the search engine, you also offer quality to users. This is how the best possible content is born: accessible, well-structured content that creates added value.

Website Security - essentially tells your website visitors that they are interacting with your web server and nothing/no one else can modify or intercept the content they are viewing.

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